Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bananas and Insurance

While sitting in the chair at the oral surgeon's office today waiting for my mouth to get numb, I finally figured out why I hate bananas. Prior to giving me the Novocaine shots (3), he numbed the spot with some topical anesthetic, and I remembered that the dentist of my childhood, Dr. Worrell, used to do the same thing. Except Worrell's tasted like bananas.
Unfortunately I have lousy teeth with very thin enamel. I was always in the dentist's office when I was a kid getting a cavity filled or having rotten baby teeth pulled. I actually liked Dr. Worrell; he had quarter horses on his ranch (which I'm sure my parents helped pay for) and had great horse magazines in his office waiting room. He was friendly, and I don't remember it ever hurting when I got fillings.
But I do remember that nasty banana tasting topical crap. I have often wondered where my aversion to bananas came from, and now I know.
I had plenty of time to think while sitting in the dentist's chair : I had 2 root canals in the last 2 days. The first one was actually cleaned out 1 1/2 weeks ago, before camp, but they stuffed it with medicine because it was so infected. Yesterday they took the medicine out and filled it in.
Today they did another, non-infected, tooth. I have to get the crowns done before September 1 when our insurance changes. I should say: increases beyond all expectations.
Our district is changing insurance companies once again, this time to TRS. This is the third change in the 3 years I've been here. It's got a large deductible, and it doesn't cover much. It's an irrevocable move, and I'm not sure I like it. Of course, I don't know what our previous insurer was offering, so I can't compare. I went with the level that will cost me $35/mth, as opposed to the 2nd tier, which is $100/mth more. Fortunately I am not on any medications, and have no illnesses/diseases at the moment, so hopefully I will be OK at the lowest level. I am just hoping that it covers my annuals at the dermatologist and eye doctor, which I have to have. At least I have some insurance.
wish me luck,

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