Friday, June 25, 2010

Shangri La

Well, its been found. After Lost Horizon was published everyone began to look for it, and in 2000 the Chinese government announced they had discovered Shangri La - here in Zhongdian. It was a beautiful drive up - we are over 10,000 ft. Terraced fields, a tributary of the mighty Yangtze, picturesque villages, and a very narrow, if paved, road. The kind of driving that could give you a heart attack - steep drop-offs, passing on curves, lots of honking at slow-moving vehicles. The town itself feels almost like a ghost town - lots of nice hotels, a mini building boom, but not many people. The writing on signs has Tibetan first, Chinese second. We did see a Chinese flag flown upside down on a flagpole, the sole symbol of this area's resistance to Chinese government control of Tibet.
The park up on the mountain is carefully controlled. Our bus parked in a giant (if somewhat empty) parking lot, then we boarded a park bus that took us up to the "hiking trail." The 2 trails, one a little less than 2km, one about 4km, are boardwalks through the trees around a couple lakes. The scenery was wonderful, but you can't strike out on your own. There were azalea/rhododendrons blooming, wild strawberries, a type of tree that looked like dogwood, horses, donkeys, and some Chinese tourists. We spent the night here, and go back to Lijiang after visiting a monastery this morning.
Just a few more days and I'll be home.
be safe,

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