Everything is done - I'm packed, the house is (relatively) clean, the bills are paid, and I have some spending money in my pocket. By this time tomorrow I'll be almost halfway to China!
Although I am not looking forward to a 20 hr trip, I am sure the end result will be worth it. I can hardly wait to see the place, smell it, touch it, feel it, hear it, taste it. So new to my senses, and I'm sure overwhelming at first. But I have a whole month to take in all I can, and I plan on bringing back lots of pictures, stories, and memories.
We will be going to 6 cities, all marked on the map except Lijiang, near Kunming. Lots of traveling, including a train trip down the Yangtze Valley from Nanjing to Shanghai.
I won't be able to post again 'til I'm in Beijing, so have a great Memorial Day, remember our servicemen and servicewomen, and be safe.
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