Saturday, February 24, 2007

Report Cards

This week was the start of a new six week grading period (the 5th of 6) so reports cards went out Friday. My kids did better this past six weeks than they have all year - less than 20% failing, and almost 20% As. I don't think I did anything significantly different this 6 weeks; the kids are just finally growing up and figuring out they need to do their work.
The first year I taught 9th graders my assistant principal told me just hang in there, they grow up over the Christmas break. He said, "when they come back for the spring semester they are different kids," and its been true every year. They start out not having any concept of what it takes to succeed in high school, and by this time of year they figure out they have to do their work and behave.
The only "bad" class I had was one of my Pre-AP classes, where several students didn't do their work or study for tests. I have had talks with them and with their parents, but the kids still aren't pulling their weight. Friday they have a major project due; we'll see if they come through.

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